Friday, March 9, 2007


Wow, has it been a long time or what? I forgot what the final table on Full Tilt Poker even looked like. In the $7,500 Guarantee, I finished 6th out of 417 players and earned $500.40. For me, it wasn't even about the money, it just felt great to reach that final table, although 1st paid a lil over $2,500. Final hand of the tourny I was low in chips and held 88. 1st pos bumped the 3000/6000 blinds to 18,000, where I pushed all in for 31K total. The BB then went all in, who had the 1st pos covered, yet the player still instantly called his tourny on AQ offsuit. The BB, who was chip leader of the tourny, flipped over AK as the other player flipped over AQ. I knew I was a longshot, but was a slight favorite preflop. I was surprised to see the player who initially raised instantly call his tourny at risk with AQ, especially since he was 3rd in chips at the time. A Queen hit on the flop, and I was knocked out. So basically, if the idiot didnt call the 70K more with the worst hand going into the flop, I would have tripled up since an Ace or King didn't hit. I was upset, but I know I'll win one of these tournies sooner or later.

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