Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Bad Luck Stops Somewhere.....Right???

Wrong!!! Not for this fellow. Following horrible connection, I decide to move that money back to 123cardroom and try my luck there. Sittin at $.5/1 NL Holdem, I end up 4-way all in preflop with AK. I didn't have much at the table so I decide to go for it:
Table:Mankato $100 Game (NL Hold'em) Hand # 32,340,640
22:44:28Posting blinds
22:44:36omgpaymenow posts small blind ($0.50)
22:44:37Shake n Bake posts big blind ($1)
22:44:37Dealing hole cards
22:44:41weetabix calls ($1)
22:44:43BluFFMe13 calls ($1)
22:44:43JimD27 folds
22:44:47noway folds
22:44:49jdniu folds
22:44:53snowball raises ($2)
22:44:54nanner folds
22:45:01omgpaymenow raises ($10)
22:45:05Shake n Bake raises all-in ($32.75)
22:45:09weetabix raises all-in ($38.23)
22:45:11BluFFMe13 folds
22:45:16snowball calls ($37.23)
22:45:24omgpaymenow raises all-in ($87)
22:45:32snowball calls ($58.27)
22:45:32omgpaymenow shows all-in QcQh
22:45:32Shake n Bake shows all-in AhKc
22:45:32weetabix shows all-in 4h7h
22:45:32snowball shows Td9d
22:45:38Dealing 3 board cards: 6D KS JC
22:45:42Dealing 1 board card: JS
22:45:46Dealing 1 board card: QD

omgpaymenow wins ($265.98: $133 main pot, $16.44 side pot #1, $116.54 side pot #2) with a full house, Queens full of Jacks

Not only did I not win this nicely built pot, but I lost on a 2 outer! It doesn't get much worse than that!

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