Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pair Aces Busts to Rivered Flush Draw, Out in 5th

With already a very poor internet connection to work with, I settle down and work on my 6th $11+1 Sng Turbo of the night. With finishing 1st in the first two games and 2nd in the third, I jump out of the gate with a hot start, inching closer and closer to my goal. I get up halfway through the tourny with my pocket queens holding up against AT, making an ace high straight on the river to put myself 2nd in chips. After two previous brutal losses, a non-cash in this game would put me at a 3-game losing streak. With only 5 players left, I get knocked out, losing to a rivered flush draw. Take a look:
Full Tilt Poker Game #1882891296: $11 + $1 Sit & Go (Turbo) (14041066), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 4:16:46 ET - 2007/02/27
Seat 2: aman69 (2,385)
Seat 5: Kris Homerding (1,930)
Seat 6: pom_1962 (4,245)
Seat 7: kmaniacc (1,920)
Seat 9: sms6225 (3,020)
kmaniacc posts the small blind of 80
sms6225 posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Kris Homerding [Tc As]
aman69 folds
Kris Homerding raises to 320
pom_1962 calls 320
kmaniacc folds
sms6225 calls 160
*** FLOP *** [Ad 3d Kd]
sms6225 checks
Kris Homerding bets 320
pom_1962 calls 320
sms6225 folds
*** TURN *** [Ad 3d Kd] [7c]
Kris Homerding bets 1,290, and is all in
pom_1962 calls 1,290
Kris Homerding shows [Tc As]
pom_1962 shows [Qc Qd]
*** RIVER *** [Ad 3d Kd 7c] [2d]
Kris Homerding shows a pair of Aces
pom_1962 shows a flush, Ace high
pom_1962 wins the pot (4,260) with a flush, Ace high
Kris Homerding finishes in 5th place

Now here's the situation: When I push my remaining 1,290 chips, the pot size is at 1,680, in which 680 of those chips are pom_1962. With 3,605 chips remaining in his stack and 680 already in the pot, he calls my 1,290 all in bet on a DRAW; 35.8% of his stack. At no point in the hand was he "pot committed"; just another instance where I lose to a bad poker player.

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