Sunday, February 25, 2007

Flopped Trips Fall Short in Ring Game

And the poker saga continues with a late night rendezvous at a $.5/1 Ring Game. On a site filled with a numerous amount of fish, awful players who tend to donate their money, I run into a little bad luck with a hard-to-lay-down hand. Before I busted on this hand, I must have sat for a good 45 minutes just tossing in my blinds to those who don't deserve it. Here's what happened:
Table:Mankato $100 Game (NL Hold'em) Hand #32,316,977
23:06:23Posting blinds
23:06:26fishie posts small blind ($0.50)
23:06:27Shake n Bake posts big blind ($1)
23:06:29PUTTNO2 sits out
23:06:29Dealing hole cards
23:06:34omgpaymenow calls ($1)
23:06:36runnerunner folds
23:06:48snowball calls ($1)
23:06:50David007 folds
23:06:53NFLTONY calls ($1)
23:06:56hardway folds
23:06:58fishie calls ($0.50)
23:06:59Shake n Bake checks
23:06:59Dealing 3 board cards: 8S 8D JH
23:06:59Starting the Flop
23:07:04fishie checks
23:07:05Shake n Bake checks
23:07:07omgpaymenow checks
23:07:09snowball checks
23:07:11NFLTONY checks
23:07:11Dealing 1 board card: AD
23:07:11Starting the Turn
23:07:16fishie bets ($2)
23:07:23Shake n Bake raises ($7)
23:07:24omgpaymenow folds
23:07:29snowball raises ($12)
23:07:30NFLTONY folds
23:07:35fishie folds
23:07:43Shake n Bake raises ($30)
23:07:46snowball raises ($50)
23:07:48Shake n Bake raises all-in ($50.87)
23:07:51snowball raises ($51.74)
23:07:51Shake n Bake shows all-in Qd8c
23:07:51snowball shows JdJc
23:07:55Dealing 1 board card: 6C

snowball wins ($179.74 main pot) with a full house, Jacks full of eights

With a limp in 3rd position, at no point during the hand did I put him on pocket jacks. I was hoping he had AJ with top 2 pair, especially with a loose site as a whole.
Note-t0-self: Take notes on all players over a long period of time.

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